Ariglad’s HR help desk is the best Jira alternative

November 21, 2022
Ariglad’s HR help desk is the best Jira alternative

Jira is a great agile project management tool by Atlassian. But it’s not exactly purpose-built to meet the needs of growing HR teams and lacks the features they need to centralize and streamline people ops.

Don’t sacrifice your staff productivity and workspace experience by making do with Jira— discover Ariglad (and at more affordable pricing).

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Ariglad vs. Jira

Agile team members love project management software like Jira, Wrike, Asana, ClickUp, Trello, Pivotal Tracker, and the like.

These tools boast plenty of useful functionalities for agile software development and scrum project planning — such as kanban boards, Gantt charts, time tracking, bug tracking, file sharing, document management and templates, roadmaps and timelines, checklists and milestones, etc.

However, they all fall short when it comes to streamlining HR workflows and facilitating HR teamwork—and that’s where a complete HR toolkit like Ariglad steps in.

Check out a quick overview below of what Ariglad can do for your people ops.

Ariglad Jira
Streamlined on one platform ✔️
Built for sensitive data ✔️
Straightforward HR workflows ✔️
Welcoming user interface for employees ✔️

Streamlined on one platform

Using Jira for HR processes means your data would likely be scattered across the Atlassian suite of tools. Jira won’t serve as a single place for maintaining all employee comms, data, and support tickets, and it won’t facilitate HR collaboration with other teams like finance and legal.

Ariglad is an all-in-one HR toolkit that empowers your HR managers to streamline communication, improve employee productivity, and sustain visibility across small teams and large. Unlike Jira, it is a clean and straightforward tool designed for fast-paced HR teams. You don’t need different platforms for different things like pulse surveys, HR ticketing, etc. — it’s all there in Ariglad.

Built for sensitive data

Jira’s customizable dashboards reveal real-time workspace trends that help HR teams build better processes using HR analytics.

But, all data and tickets created in Jira are visible to all users. For instance, engineers can see the tickets about healthcare benefits, which can create privacy concerns for more sensitive employee concerns.

Ariglad is a Jira alternative that appreciates the importance of protecting employees’ sensitive data and personal information. It lets employees share feedback and report anonymously so they can speak their minds without hesitation. This helps establish a safe workspace where employee opinions are welcome and valued.

Straightforward HR workflows

While Jira allows you to automate certain aspects of your HR processes such as recruitment, it’s a complicated platform to wrap your head around, especially for not-so-tech-savvy users. It also requires a bunch of different integrations and apps to serve as a complete toolkit for HR teams.

Being an HR-focused Jira alternative, Ariglad makes things simple for HR teams by allowing them to easily automate ticket creation to solve everyday issues and staff queries.

By setting up auto-responses with self-service resources, HR managers can save time spent on repetitive tasks and communication (which takes up to 80% of HR time!). This, in turn, lets them focus on bigger initiatives (such as DEI) that influence the bottom line.

Welcoming user interface for employees

Tools like Jira are better suited to and often originally brought in for other departments like software development teams and IT support. But employees are acclimated to the usual workplace messaging apps like Slack and MS Teams.

Being one of the best Jira alternatives that puts employees first, Ariglad improves team collaboration by enabling instant messaging with the HR department and also letting employees create and manage tickets from their Slack workspace itself.

In fact, employee adoption is up to five times higher with Ariglad, thanks to its integrations with platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams that employees already use and love. It makes communication with HR more personable and welcoming, unlike Jira where it can feel rather intimidating.

HR Teams trust Ariglad as their HR toolbox

People ops at some of the biggest companies across the globe count on Ariglad to leverage HR automation, streamline onboarding and task management, and boost employee engagement.

Choose Ariglad for effortless human resources

With HR-specific features and functionalities like anonymous feedback, internal knowledge base integration, auto-responses to staff questions, SLAs, ticketing, and pulse surveys, Ariglad centralizes your HR workflows and data into a single source of truth.

Enable your HR team to do more meaningful work that makes a real difference, with Ariglad.

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