4 Powerful Ways to Attract and Keep Talent in Manufacturing

July 27, 2023
4 Powerful Ways to Attract and Keep Talent in Manufacturing

In today's manufacturing industry, one of the top priorities for organizations is addressing the tight labor market and employee churn rate while navigating shifting talent models. It's a bit challenging because even with a record number of new hires, there are still so many job openings in the industry.

But don't worry, manufacturing organizations are on the case! They're actively exploring various approaches to strengthen their strategies for attracting talent and keeping their employees happy and motivated.

To give you an updated view of how the industry is tackling this workforce challenge, UKG teamed up with IndustryWeek to conduct research in late 2022. They surveyed 679 operations and HR managers, as well as 552 production-line workers, to get some valuable insights.

Guess what? They discovered four major barriers to attracting and retaining talent, but don't worry, it's not all bad news! The research also shed light on key actions that manufacturers can take to overcome these barriers and build a fantastic team. So, things are definitely looking up, and manufacturing organizations are working hard to create a thriving and fulfilling work environment for everyone involved.

Let's break it down! Here are four key strategies to attract and retain talent in the manufacturing industry:

Barrier 1: The disconnect between what employees want and what organizations offer.

Solution: One of the top reasons production-line workers leave their manufacturing companies is a poor relationship with their managers. This affects the company's growth potential, as cited by operations and HR managers. Interestingly, managers and frontline workers have slightly different priorities. HR and operations managers believe offering opportunities for advancement and a positive work culture are crucial, while frontline workers emphasize competitive salaries and work-life balance. The solution lies in bridging this gap by providing what employees really want, like investing in competitive compensation plans and introducing policies that support work-life balance, such as flexible shift patterns and easy shift swapping with colleagues.

Barrier 2: The balancing act between organizational needs and employee needs.

Solution: It may seem challenging to meet both financial goals and employee satisfaction, especially with shrinking budgets. However, investing in the right scheduling solution can make a big difference. By transitioning from manual processes to automated scheduling, companies have seen improvements in employee engagement, productivity, and better management of labor costs. So, no more juggling act required between business needs and employee needs. Embrace a dynamic scheduling solution to gain a competitive edge and meet the demands of a modern frontline workforce.

Barrier 3: Scheduling is time-consuming and leaves little time for employee focus.

Solution: Operations and HR managers bear the brunt of scheduling responsibilities, with frontline supervisors also heavily involved. Managing workforce schedules takes up a considerable amount of time, leaving frontline managers with limited opportunities to engage with their employees. By incorporating automated scheduling solutions, you can streamline and speed up this process, freeing up more time for managers to connect with their workforce, making them feel more appreciated and valued.

Barrier 4: Misalignment and understanding between HR and operations leadership.

Solution: HR and operations managers sometimes have different perspectives on talent-related challenges and attracting employees. To create a more fulfilling workplace experience, it's crucial for these teams to align their strategies and work together more effectively. Prioritize communication and strategic planning between HR and operations managers to ensure a shared vision for attracting and retaining talent in manufacturing.

Remember, investing in your people means investing in your business. By implementing these strategic actions, you can overcome the barriers and create a bright future for your organization. The manufacturing industry is evolving, and now is the perfect time to align on business objectives and leverage technology to support your frontline workforce while driving growth for your company.

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